I would like to react to the FAQ below:
Q: Are one way roads and traffic signals available?
A: Because managing private transport is not the main focus of Transport Fever these features have not yet been implemented. However, because quite a few players request these features, they may still be added.
I really appreciate that you are considering to develop one-way roads and traffic lights. But i do not agree that it will be considered as managing private transport and therefore not seen as a main focus. One-way road, traffic lights and roundabouts are a solution to handle with traffic jams, and also influence traffic flows. These features make it possible to puzzle with traffic flows in the city, which i think is huge added value! because puzzling with transport flows is the main goal of the whole game, it is fun and challenging! And in the Train Fever game I miss these features.
I really hope that you will implement these features in the game because it makes the game more realistic and attractive!
Other possibilities that you might want to consider are:
- Roundabout.
- Acceleration lanes (for highways) and deceleration or exit lanes.
- Possibility to remove or add pedestrian crossings.
- It would be nice if you can also construct road lanes independent of each other. So in fact 'one lane roads'.
- Then you can also make it possible to congregate 2 roads of one lane into one 2-lane road (>=), this avoids a crossing since the traffic flow continues next to each other. And it looks nice as well.
- With a one lane road you can make options to choose the direction (one way), and where traffic can go at a junction, only left, only right, only straight or all possibilities (see picture below).
I understand that it is a lot of work and maybe very difficult to implement. But i really hope that you at least implement the one way road, the traffic lights and the roundabout.
Thank you very much in advance!
[Blockierte Grafik: http://cloud.pubble.nl/16c0059b/paper/ed17db2c/60041_l.jpg][Blockierte Grafik: http://www.speltherapiezuidbroek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Rotonde3.gif][Blockierte Grafik: http://www.gratisrijbewijsonline.nl/snelwegwet/afbeeldingennl/snelwegwetnl40.GIF]