NS Mat '46 and more!

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  • that's great, i've really been in need of an NS mainline diesel locomotive for the 1970-1990 period. only the DB BR 218 is a possible alternative, but it was never suitable to have been put in NS colours.

    by the way; i've finally had some time to look at the 1500 model in-game today. it looks great, we're very lucky to finally have it!
    I did notice however that the scaling is slightly off however; although the 1500 should be narrower than the intercity coaches it was typically used with, this model is currently too low and narrow, the top of the 1500's roof (without pantographs) should line up with the top of the roofs on the ICR coaches. the height difference in the game is about 20-30 centimeters, so quite a lot. maybe this is something you could look at in an update.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nsicng ()

  • nsicng ive made the model based on the sizes (which are very hard to find) that i had, the lenght is accurate and she lines up with the schematics i've got. So if you have any more accurate information feel free to provide it and i might update the model at some point.

  • I did notice however that the scaling is slightly off however; although the 1500 should be narrower than the intercity coaches it was typically used with, this model is currently too low and narrow

    You should be careful as to what you measure against what...

    The 3D model of the ICR is extremely outdated and pretty low quality by 2024 transport fever standards.

    I would say its much more likely that the ICR coaches are off and not the locomotive

  • New release!


    The Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) Class 2600 was a series of 6 axel diesel electric locomotives that were in usage from 1953 till 1958.

    They were nicknamed 'Beelen' after the likeness of dutch politician Louis Beel who had a particularly large forehead to which the engines' front was a reminder.

    Icluded vehicles:

    NS Class 2600 - Blue

    NS Class 2600 - Red

    NS Class 2600 - Blue - Revision (A ficticious revision)

    NS Class 2600 - Red - Revision (A ficticious revision)

    NS Class 2600 - Yellow/Grey (A ficticious revision/later era paintjob)


    * Vehicle Lights

    * Custom aging mask

    * Variants menu

    * Placeable assets

    If you like my mods, consider making a donation


    Disclaimer: My mods are sadly not 100% accurate to real life; I try to do as much research and add as many details as possible, but in the end I'd rather have more trains than completely accurate ones. Feel free to mention any mistakes though; if possible, I'll try to fix whatever I overlooked.

  • You should be careful as to what you measure against what...

    The 3D model of the ICR is extremely outdated and pretty low quality by 2024 transport fever standards.

    I would say its much more likely that the ICR coaches are off and not the locomotive

    That's not entirely true. i have reviewed and tweaked Oppie's models where needed and made adjustments.....it's definitely true that the models are low quality, but this has made it all the easier for me to confirm that they're consistently scaled. the Oppie models are still being detailed and upgraded by me; it simply takes a while to get a satisfactory result for each since there's so many. for example, the exact height and width on the NS 1600, ICR and Plan W coaches have all been modified slightly to conform to reality. They weren't quite matching initially, but now that it's done, i'm looking at adding further texture detail and features like high detail interiors, weathering, lights and animations.

    In contrast, Giuseppe, your models are obviously MUCH more detailed and the texture work is a world apart. they really look great! And yet, there are still visible inaccuracies. it's totally forgivable, but I'm confident in saying that there are very very few, if any, NS models that are 100% accurate. a few examples are NS VIRM and NS Plan U, where the VIRM has windows in the wrong places and a misproportioned front end. the Plan U is improvised from a Plan V model and contains many inaccuracies. I'm in the process of fixing them both now, and they will look far better than they have before.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nsicng ()

  • With the NS2600 now on the Workshop im going to be starting on a new NS1000, which will also be my first attempt at a very rudimentary interior. Ofcourse with Christmas/New years approaching it might take a bit longer then planned.

  • good to hear, then i won't put much more effort into the 1100 and Plan E beyond what's changed recently, and update my mod as-is. just to be clear, is this Plan E passenger coaches only you're planning or also the matching restaurant, post and bicycle coaches of Plan E and Plan L? these are currently nonexistent and i have been intending to create them soon as well.

    happy travels creating further new mods in 2025 by the way!

  • good to hear, then i won't put much more effort into the 1100 and Plan E beyond what's changed recently, and update my mod as-is. just to be clear, is this Plan E passenger coaches only you're planning or also the matching restaurant, post and bicycle coaches of Plan E and Plan L? these are currently nonexistent and i have been intending to create them soon as well.

    happy travels creating further new mods in 2025 by the way!

    Dont have plans for Post and Bicycle coaches atm, though if you have good sources feel free to send them my way! (Feel free to send a friend request on steam)
