Beiträge von Mauri

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    I would love that too, but I guess that is a lot of work unfortunately.
    ÖBB put a lot of effort in those cars to adapt them to modern standards in the 1960s. Most of them got faster bogies (SGP-Wegmann 9 or SGP-Wegmann 15 bogies for 150/160 km/h), they got new interior, new windows ("half windows"), new ÖBB axle generators, UIC-rubber-transitions, most of the cars lost their old Reichsbahn-roof ventilators.

    I highly doubt he would do all those mesh changes, at least I would be very surprised if he does.

    Dies könnte eine Idee für ein Erweiterungspaket sein ...


    ÖBB also had some schürzenwagen.
    As many of you (more than me) know.....
    It would be interesting if you also made those, both in tannegrün livery and in the more modern Jaffa livery....what do you think?


    In fact, I imagined a response of this type.

    In fact, the 3D models are not comparable to those currently available, which are much more realistic and precise.

    You are right.

    It would be fantastic to have these two important families of Swiss cars for TF2, done properly.

    It must be said that creating them now could be "late", given that we are starting to talk about TF3.

    Thanks for the reply.


    This is my request, probably someone has already done it, but I'll try. It's about repaints.

    The first one is about the repaint with correct customization of the heavy type car of the SBB CFF, present as a vanilla model. The model is missing almost all the Swiss writings and logos.

    The second one is about a more precise customization in the logos of the RIC Schlieren type car with the logos of the SBB CFF and BLS, part of the pack "BLS Vehicles for the Alps" also present on Steam with author OI MATE SWISS.

    It could be a good idea, right? What do you think?

    Greetings. Mauri

    I remind you, if you don't already know, that you can visit the Italian Forum of TF2 called "Transport Fever 2 Italian Fans" where you can find the entire database of all the mods created for the "Italian system" of the game.
    The forum can be visited even if you are not registered, although we recommend registration.
    This forum, also officially recognized by Urban Games, is the direct contact with the Italian supporters, together with Discord Italia TF2.
    Here is the link:

    Greetings to everyone and come visit us!

    Ciao. Mauri

    Thanks Jay, your works are fantastic and much appreciated also among Italian fans. Thanks a lot and good continuation!



    PS Please, pay attention to the Monfer Cereali writing. On red wagon, the writing is "cerali". The correct writing is "cereali".

    Hi all!

    I noticed that two important and famous steam locomotives of the ÖBB are missing for TF2: the Rh. 78 and the Rh. 93.

    The modder Franzl (specialized with steamers) had created them for Train Fever, and they were already nice "3D".

    Many Franzl locomotives have been converted from TF1 to TF2 (I myself have converted some with the Converter, such as the Rh. 77 for example), but I imagine that from Train Fever it is impossible.

    Has anyone considered these two beautiful locomotives?

    It would be very nice to see them on our TF2 scenarios.



    Ciao Jay!
    There was also a similar version, of German construction, registered in the Italian FS.

    It would be nice to have that version too.

    They were used for importing German cars from Volkswagen and Opel, and for exporting Fiat cars to Europe.


    The sncf lantern mod is the one that went into idiosyncrasy with your mod.

    Indeed, uninstalled that, yours works perfectly in the scenario that blocked me.

    Today or tomorrow I will also update the video card drivers, to have a more performing operation.

    I thank you and MaikC for the exquisite courtesy and attention.



    Going by exclusion....after hours of work and testing I found a mod to improve the game's vanilla cargo wagons that was in serious conflict, preventing the program from starting.

    Turned that off (it's a pity, because it's interesting), everything fell into place and I was able to enjoy the improvements of TF2.

    ----> I advise those who are still having difficulty starting the game, to check that they do not have it among their activated mods.

    Thank you all for your attention.

    The mod I'm talking about can be found at this link:…iledetails/?id=2908795162
